Signing into Dispatch with OM Web Viewer 12.1
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Signing into Dispatch with OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 201904


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer Dispatch Output Mgmt


How does the basic Web Viewer to Dispatch signon/report list access flow?



  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Dispatch™


Here is the basic Web Viewer to Dispatch signon/report list access flow for 12.1 Web Viewer (Web Viewer 14.0does not support Dispatch);

  • Signon to Web Viewer
    • Web Viewer will verify UserID/password and associate it to a user/role defined within Web Viewer.
  • Select ‘Advanced search’ Tab
  • Select Dispatch repository name
  • Once you select the Repository name, Web Viewer attempts to signon onto Dispatch.
  • At this point, if receiving a secondary logon prompt, it usually indicates some type of TSS, ACF2 or RACF security failure/violation
  • If the actual Dispatch signon is successful, Web Viewer/Dispatch locates the UserID within the Dispatch SYSGEN database. This UserID is defined on the Dispatch ‘Sysgen User Screen (VSGMU230)’
  • If the UserID is NOT found within the Dispatch SYSGEN database, this error will be displayed;
Function OmDRASRequest.OpenRequest in JDrasRecordset. Select failed because of return code STC_CancelRequest. No reports matched with the specific criteria are found.
  • If the UserID is found within the Dispatch SYSGEN database, Web Viewer/Dispatch locates all of the recipients that have been associated to that UserID via the ‘Sysgen User Recipient Screen (VSGMU235)’.

If there are no recipients defined to this UserID, this error will be displayed:

Function OmDRASRequest.OpenRequest in JDrasRecordset. Select failed because of return code STC_CancelRequest No reports matched with the specific criteria are found.
  • If the Web Viewer Report list screen page ‘Recipient:’ pull down does not display any recipients, there are no recipients have been defined to that UserID on the associated ‘Sysgen User Recipient Screen (VSGMU235)’.

If the UserID and associated recipients are located, Web Viewer/Dispatch will generate a report list that only shows those reports that are defined to that specific UserID and associated recipients.