The CAU agent does not finish.
20200827/144747.778 - U02000279 Resource download for deployment process '5454367' successfully completed.
20200827/144747.778 - U02000286 Deployment process '5454367' is waiting for running tasks to end:
20200827/144747.778 - U02000287 Task RunID '*538976288*' is still active.
20200827/144747.778 - U02000287 Task RunID '*538976288*' is still active.
Release : 12.2, 12.3
Public short description EN:
Incorrect RunID of a CAU run in script's report.
Public description EN:
A problem has been fixed where the RunID of a CAU run in script's report (&UC_EX_CAU_RUNID#) was 1 digit less than the CAU RunID itself.
The count of digits for variable &UC_EX_CAU_STATUS# in script's report was adapted from 9 to 4 digits, too.
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Article title: How to register to Broadcom Software Product updates and Critical Alerts
Component: Automation Engine
Automation Engine 12.3.5 - Available
Automation Engine 12.2.8 - Available
Workaround: Stop/start the agent. This will finish the CAU process.