Using a security defined user id that contains the pound sign #. For example: MTC#.
The ESM started task (ESMPROC) does not stay up. The log shows this error:
10:39:43.634 [main] INFO - keyStoreFile name is safkeyring://MTC%23/RINGMTCSS
10:39:43.637 [main] ERROR org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Failed to start end point associated with ProtocolHandler ["h
ttp-nio-7100"] R_datalib (IRRSDL00) error: profile for ring not found (8, 8, 84)
The pound sign is being translated to "%23"
In this example, the safkeyring in the CAW0OPTV(ESMENV) file is defined as follows:
IJO="$IJO -Dserver.ssl.key-store=safkeyring://MTC#/RINGMTCSS"
Release : 15.0
Provided new ESM fix SO14954
This new PTF delivers an ESM 3.0.1 SPRINGBOOT 2.1 UPGRADE. Within this new version support was added for UTF8 special characters in USERID and KEYRING names