Users are unable to subscribe from WA Desktop Client's Monitor perspective. Errors similar to the following may be seen in the server tracelogs.
2020XXXX 00:00:12.345 [relationaldatabase] [ERROR] DM: [2020-XX-XX_00:00:12.345] SQLCode: 16943 SQLState: S0004 Message: Could not complete cursor operation because the table schema changed after the cursor was declared.
2020XXXX 00:00:12.345 [relationaldatabase] [ERROR] DM: [2020-XX-XX_00:00:12.345] SQL Exception for query: SELECT afm_id, afm_time_id, originator, destination, priority, afm FROM ESP_MANAGER_INQ WHERE processing_status = 0; the exception is: Could not complete cursor operation because the table schema changed after the cursor was declared. Could not complete cursor operation because the table schema changed after the cursor was declared.
Release : 12.x
The database locks the tables for some maintenance procedure such as backup or rebuilding of indexes. This will prevent the dSeries from getting a lock and reading the tables. If the tables are not accessible then subscription and other functionalities will not work.
Most of the DB maintenance may not affect dSeries. In some rare cases there can be a conflict if the tables are locked by an external process. To prevent any issues, schedule the external maintenance during non-peak hours. It is recommended to not run long maintenance jobs that can lock tables and other database artifacts.