Where can we see a report on the total robots installed in the company? Is there any report/statistic on how many alert receive per day/months?
Release : UIM 20.x
Component : UIM - ROBOT / NAS
Here is a script to count the number of robots and probes.
This is a simple LUA script that can be ran from the NAS that will poll each hub and pull the total number of Robots and probes deployed. This will also create a file called nimsoft_count.txt in the Nimsoft\probes\nas directory.
file = io.open("nimsoft_count.txt", "w")
robots = 0
probeTotal = 0
resp,rc = nimbus.request("hub", "gethubs")
for h,hinfo in pairs(resp.hublist) do
local args = pds.create()
pds.putInt(args, "detail", 1)
sessionhandle = nimbus.session_open(hinfo.addr)
if sessionhandle ~= nil then
local r_resp,rc = nimbus.session_request(sessionhandle, "getrobots", args, 300)
if rc == 0 then
for r,rinfo in pairs(r_resp.robotlist) do
if rinfo.probelist ~= nil then
probes = 0
for p,pinfo in pairs (rinfo.probelist) do
probes = probes + 1
probeTotal = probeTotal + 1
-- print("Number of probes on " .. rinfo.name .. " is: " .. probes)
robots = robots + 1
file:write ("Total robots: " .. robots .. "\n")
print ("Total robots: " .. robots .. "\n")
print ("Total probes: " .. probeTotal .. "\n")
file:write ("Total probes: " .. probeTotal .. "\n")
NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occurred last night
require ("library/html-alarms-lib")
recipient = "[email protected]"
title = "Nimsoft - 24 Hour Alert Report"
buf = ""
buf = buf .. html_start (title)
buf = buf .. html_alarms (transactions)
buf = buf .. html_end ()
day = 60*60*24
past_day = timestamp.now() - day
past_week = timestamp.now() - 7*day
past_month = timestamp.now() - 30*day
query = "select * from NAS_TRANSACTION_SUMMARY where created > \"" .. timestamp.format(past_day, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") .. "\";"
data, rc = database.query(query);
email_msg = "\n"
email_msg = email_msg .. sprintf("%-25s%-25s%-20s%-40s%s\n", "created", "visibility", "origin", "host", "message")
for _, x in pairs(data) do
closed = "open"
if x.closed then
closed = x.closed
email_msg = email_msg .. sprintf("%-25s%-25s%-20s%-40s%s\n",x.created, x.visible, x.origin, x.hostname, x.message)
--print (email_msg)
Here is an example report from the nas Scripts folder that can be run via the NAS, and you'll find other script examples there:
(the "Transaction" value determines how many entries from the transction_log for each open alarm will be shown in the report)
Current alarm report
-- This script gives an example on using external libraries
-- and sends an email to recipient containing a list of the current open alarms
require ("library/html-alarms-lib")
recipient = "[email protected]"
title = "Current Alarm Report"
transactions = 3
buf = ""
buf = buf .. html_start (title)
buf = buf .. html_alarms (transactions)
buf = buf .. html_end ()
Query approach
UIM alarms - last 24 hours
You can create a table and use a query like this to display the last 24 hours of data from the nas_transaction_log. You can limit the data using the columns and order by/sort it as you like. You can either present this on a dashboard or nested in a dashboard page.
SELECT * from nas_transaction_log WHERE nimts >= DATEADD(hh,-24,GETDATE())
You can adjust the date value and you can see the row count for all of the alams.
Other example queries using different time ranges:
select severity,Count(nimid) as alarmcount from NAS_TRANSACTION_LOG WHERE nimts >= DATEADD(hh,-24,GETDATE()) group by severity
select severity,Count(nimid) as alarmcount from NAS_TRANSACTION_LOG WHERE nimts >= DATEADD(mm,-6,GETDATE()) group by severity
select severity,Count(nimid) as alarmcount from NAS_TRANSACTION_LOG WHERE nimts >= DATEADD(yy,-1,GETDATE()) group by severity