FDM Query on Data masking using the values in a second column
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FDM Query on Data masking using the values in a second column


Article ID: 201791


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Testing Tools CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Suppose I have a column called  'A' with 10 digits in length 
I also have a column called 'B'  

      A                                          B
1234567890                           SAM
2345678912                           HELLO

I want to mask column A and replace the first 5 digits with column B.

Post masking :
SAM   67890  (with 2 spaces)

Could you please suggest what masking algorithm / approach can this be achieved?


Fast data Maker (FDM) 4.9.x





FILL the first 5 characters of A with a space, followed by SQLFUNCTION left(B,5)

(select the "use masked values" checkbox)

FDM allows you to specify multiple mask routines on the same field.

Datamaker/Transformation Maps only let you specify 1;  
You'll have to manually update the exported .csv file to reflect the 2nd function execution.

Additional Information

You'll have to provide your own Database reflecting the structure/content that John provided.  
FDM mask & options files attached.

The above work for MS SQL server and mainframe as they both support the LEFT function.
Oracle database does not and you will need to use the SUBSTR


1603211008108__john-mask-a-b_options.txt get_app
1603210993785__john-mask-a-b.csv get_app