Access OneClick with Docker images
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Access OneClick with Docker images


Article ID: 201726


Updated On:


CA Spectrum CA eHealth


We have recently started using docker spectrum container images. we got the MLS and OC loaded, but unable to access OneClick. We see a prompt, but does not accept the default username and password



Release : 20.2

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER

DOCKER images and containers


The OneClick server was not connecting to the SpectroSEVER


Default user|password for docker images should be spectrum|spectrum. 

In this case, when the containers were loaded, the MLS server alias name was used, not the hostname - therefore, when the container was loaded, the "locServerName=""" entry in <SPECROOT>/tomcat/conf/server.xml of the OneClick server was showing blank. It should have the MLS hostname. 

Changed the value locServerName="<mls_hostname>" and restart Tomcat service. Now, OneClick can reach the SpectroSERVER to validate users and allow access