CMDB Visualizer configured with SSL is not allowing login or access
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CMDB Visualizer configured with SSL is not allowing login or access


Article ID: 201725


Updated On:


CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


After configuring SDM and Visualizer with SSL, the following error appears when clicking on a link to open Visualizer from a CI: "Server unavailable. Please contact administrator".

Also during an attempt to login, after entering credentials on the CMDB Administrator login, seeing "Unable to login. Contact Administrator"


Release : All Supported versions

Component : CA CMDB VISUALIZER (New version)


casm.conf has not been updated with the SSL URL's

NX.env may be pointing to the wrong Visualizer location


1. Go to the server where Visualizer is installed

2. Go to Service Desk Manager\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE_VIZ\webapps\CMDBVisualizer\viz-ux\conf

3. Edit casm.conf.js

4. Update file with the SSL URL's for SDM and Visualizer

5. Restart Services

When editing the casm.conf.js in a text editor, there will be two lines that read as follows:

      vizserver: 'http://SERVER:9080/CMDBVisualizer/viz',  // - example: http://sdmurl:<VIZ_PORT>/CMDBVisualizer/viz
      server: 'http://SERVER:8080/CAisd/pdmweb.exe' // - example: http://sdmurl:<SDM_PORT>/CAisd/pdmweb.exe

Update the above two lines per the new secure port, ie:

      vizserver: 'https://SERVER:9443/CMDBVisualizer/viz',  // - example: http://sdmurl:<VIZ_PORT>/CMDBVisualizer/viz
      server: 'https://SERVER:8443/CAisd/pdmweb.exe' // - example: http://sdmurl:<SDM_PORT>/CAisd/pdmweb.exe

Additional Information

For the NX.env, locate the following line and correct the location where Visualizer is running on SSL:


Change the line to reflect SSL config, ie:
