After successfully installing XCOM r11.0 SP02 into a new IBM i/AS400 V7.4 server, encountering a problem.
Able to receive files from remote Windows XCOM server but sending a file from AS/400 to the same server gives error:
Message ..... : Message MCH1202 in XCOMR in XCOM11 (C D F G)"
Cause ........ : Message MCH1202 was detected in COBOL statement ?\???\?? (MI instruction 0E44) in program XCOMR in XCOM11."
The XCOMPTF output showed that the versions of files XCOMR & XCOMS had an older date (22/04/11) than the expected SP02 date (26/07/17). It appears those files had been somehow overwritten with versions from the PTF for a previous Problem # 141.
To resolve the problem, XCOM Engineering suggested:
After removing the original installation files and redoing the installation with Broadcom provided image for XCOM r11 SP02, the subsequent file transfer tests were all positive.