When adding Other Work to a timesheet in the MUX, it is showing the finish date of the effort task. This is an earlier date than the Finish Date of the Other Work investment and is causing confusion with the users.
How do we change the Finish Date of the effort task to reflect the same Finish Date that the Other Work has?
Component: Clarity Timesheets
Release: All Supported
The Finish Date of the effort task will be an earlier date than the Finish Date of the Other Work it there have been actuals posted on this Other Work, but there is no remaining ETC. There would be no remaining ETC on the effort task if the allocation on all of the team members is 0%.
The only way to keep the allocation % at 0, but still have the effort task have a later date would be to complete the following steps:
This will make it to where the Modern UX will show a Finish Date that is the same as the Other Work finish date when adding this to the timesheet.
Note: If for some Other Works, the Fixed Duration is not editable, follow these steps instead: