Other Work Finish Date on MUX Timesheets
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Other Work Finish Date on MUX Timesheets


Article ID: 201639


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When adding Other Work to a timesheet in the MUX, it is showing the finish date of the effort task. This is an earlier date than the Finish Date of the Other Work investment and is causing confusion with the users. 

How do we change the Finish Date of the effort task to reflect the same Finish Date that the Other Work has?


Component: Clarity Timesheets
Release: All Supported


The Finish Date of the effort task will be an earlier date than the Finish Date of the Other Work it there have been actuals posted on this Other Work, but there is no remaining ETC. There would be no remaining ETC on the effort task if the allocation on all of the team members is 0%. 

The only way to keep the allocation % at 0, but still have the effort task have a later date would be to complete the following steps: 

  1. Temporarily increase the allocation of one of the team members to 1% making sure that this team member also has an allocation finish date that is the same as the Other Work finish date. Save this change
  2. On the Team tab, select the checkbox for the team member that was updated on Step 1
  3. From the Actions drop down, select the option to 'Estimate from Allocation'
  4. Go to the task list of the Effort Task using a URL similar to: http://<Clarity>/niku/nu#action:projmgr.keyTaskList&id=<internal ID of Other Work>
  5. Click on 'Show All' if the effort task is not showing on the list
  6. Configure the ETC and Fixed Duration columns on the list
  7. Update the Fixed Duration value from No to Yes, and Save
  8. Back on the Team tab, update the allocation back to 0%

This will make it to where the Modern UX will show a Finish Date that is the same as the Other Work finish date when adding this to the timesheet. 

Additional Information

Note: If for some Other Works, the Fixed Duration is not editable, follow these steps instead:

  1. Open the Other Work and add/edit a dummy resource that does not use timesheets. Set the Allocation to 1%, Save
  2. On the Team tab, select the checkbox for the team member that was updated on Step 1
  3. From the Actions drop down, select the option to 'Estimate from Allocation'
  4. This resource is to be left indefinitely on the Other work team with this allocation, do not change the Allocation back and do not post any timesheets for it