PAMSC - how to increase PAM CPU and RAM in VMWare
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PAMSC - how to increase PAM CPU and RAM in VMWare


Article ID: 201477


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CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM) CA Privileged Access Manager - Cloakware Password Authority (PA)


A PAM cluster is currently deployed in VMware, but the appliances need to have their RAM and/or CPU cores increased to improve performance. What precautions need to be taken prior to making the change(s)?


Privileged Access Management deployed in VMware


Prior to modifying RAM/CPU settings in VMware, please perform the following.

1- Go to the Clustering configuration page and stop the cluster.
2- Power off each appliance.
3- Take a snapshot of the stopped VMs.
4- Make the necessary modifications in VMware.
5- Power on the VMs.
6- Start the cluster.


1- You cannot make the harddisk smaller after the partition has been increased.

2- Ram sizes should be set in multiples of 16 gig increments since our resizing scripts make this assumption. (16, 32, 64, 96, 128)

3- The harddisk itself is not encrypted but the OS partition of the harddisk is encrypted and cannot be read by other systems.