OneClick Client-Webapp Hangs When MibTools is Launched
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OneClick Client-Webapp Hangs When MibTools is Launched


Article ID: 201457


Updated On:


CA Spectrum CA eHealth



Attempting to open the MIB Tools in either the WebApp Oneclick or native Java (AdoptOpenJDK) Causes high CPU and/or Memory utilization.
  The only recourse is to 'kill' the processes.  




Release : All

Component : Spectrum OneClick


The memory configuration for the OneClick client was not set high enough. When MibTools was launched there was not enough
   memory available to load all the mib data and as a result the java process was in a constant Garbage Collection cycle causing
   high cpu utilization and the client to become unresponsive.


Increase the maximum memory allocation for the OneClick client.

In one case the memory was set to 512M and increasing back to 1024M resolved the problem. In large environments it might
  be necessary to increase this a little higher.

OneClick Console