Endpoint Security Linux agent fails to register with the console.
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Endpoint Security Linux agent fails to register with the console.


Article ID: 201438


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Endpoint Security


After installing the Endpoint Security Linux agent, the client fails to show up under Devices in the Endpoint Security Console.  You see the following error in /var/log/sdcss-caflog/cafagent.log:

[|] 2020-09-18 18:11:24 | cafservice.CAFUpdateAssetManager | Error | 2859 : 140338794592000 : operator():184 | CAF failed to send updateAsset message to the server.
[|] 2020-09-18 18:11:24 | cafservice.CAFUpdateAssetManager | Error | 2859 : 140338794592000 : operator():185 | The error code is: 401
[|] 2020-09-18 18:11:24 | cafservice.CAFUpdateAssetManager | Error | 2859 : 140338794592000 : operator():186 | Error message: Unauthorized
[|] 2020-09-18 18:11:24 | cafservice.CAFUpdateAssetManager | Error | 2859 : 140338794592000 : operator():187 | Error details:{"0":{"0":"ProxyModeDefault (8)","1":"HttpErrorCodes: Unauthorized (401)"},"1":{"0":"ProxyModeDefault (8)","1":"HttpErrorCodes: Unauthorized (401)"},"2":{"0":"ProxyModeDefault (8)","1":"HttpErrorCodes: Unauthorized (401)"},"3":{"0":"ProxyModeDisabled (16)","1":"HttpErrorCodes: Unauthorized (401)"},"4":{"0":"ProxyModeAutoDetect (2)","1":"HttpErrorCodes: Unauthorized (401)"}}
[|] 2020-09-18 18:11:24 | cafservice.CAFUpdateAssetManager | Error | 2859 : 140338794592000 : operator():202 | Unauthorized communication, error message:Unauthorized
[|] 2020-09-18 18:11:24 | cafservice.CAFSAEPProductService | Information | 2859 : 140338794592000 : EnrollDevice:1577 | Inside EnrollDevice, before aquiring lock for m_bootstrapMutex
[|] 2020-09-18 19:11:16 | cafservice.CAFSAEPProductService | Information | 2859 : 140337980892928 : UpdateAssetInfo:2611 | m_cloudVendorName=Private

You may also see the following error in sdcss_install.log:

Symantec Data Center Security Common Agent Framework installed successfully.
  Installing : sdcss-sepagent-6.8.2-321.el6.x86_64                          3/4 
start: unrecognized service

Attempting to check the status of the sisamddaemon with the following command results in an "unrecognized service" error: 

service sisamddaemon status



Redhat 6.10


This issue can occur when sisamddaemon isn't properly linked as a service. When the service is improperly linked, the service can fail to start.  The client will not register properly if sisamdagent service isn't running.   


This issue is fixed in Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU1. For information on how to obtain the latest build of Symantec Endpoint Protection, see Download the latest version of Symantec software.

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