Encryption not supported on the client when using Client Tools
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Encryption not supported on the client when using Client Tools


Article ID: 201431


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


Attempting to use the Governance Discovery and Audit Client Tool is failing after enforcing TLS 1.2 at the Application server level.  "Encryption not supported on the client" 




Release : 14.x

Component : GovernanceMinder(Role & Compliance Manager)


To resolve this error, please ensure you have:

1.  Installed .NET 4.6.1 on the client tools machine.
2.  run regasm on sagesoap.dll under C:\Program Files\CA\RCM\Client Tools\Software 

For example:

>regasm.exe "C:\Program Files\CA\Identity Governance\Client Tools\Software\SageSOAP.dll"

As described in the documentation: Install Client Tools

Additional Information

This is only supported in the newer versions of Client tools.  It has been tested and shown to work in 14.2 and newer.  If you are having issues please upgrade to the latest release of Governance.