How can I tell if the AAI services are fully initialized when starting the AAI service on Linux?
Release : 6.X
There is one service for the AAI server, started with the command below to start in the background:
/<InstallDir>/ startbg
If you tail the /<Install dir>/nohup.out file in the installation directory like "tail -f nohop.out" after running the command above you can make sure everything initialized.
The line I look for to know its fully up is:
"INFO [as] WFLYSRV0025: JBoss EAP 7.0.9.GA (WildFly Core 2.1.20.Final-redhat-1) started in 159300ms - Started 2471 of 2536 services (176 services are lazy, passive or on-demand)"
Once you see that you should be able to launch AAI client, access the web, and the REST API's.
You can also check the <Install dir>/jboss/standalone/deployments directory to make sure you see the files below as type "DEPLOYED" and not "ISDEPLOYING" or "DODEPLOY" which could indicate something hung on startup or is still initializing.