Getting PXE error "E53 - no boot filename received" when trying to boot from a LinuxPE.
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Getting PXE error "E53 - no boot filename received" when trying to boot from a LinuxPE.


Article ID: 201404


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Ghost Solution Suite Deployment Solution


The customer is trying to set up a Linux PE so that he can image Linux systems.  Currently using Win10 PE with no problems, systems can boot into that just fine.  Built a Linux PE image through the SMP Console, but when he tries to boot to it the client gets a PXE error E53 - no boot filename received. (KB 152549 "Complete list of PXE error codes and their meaning").
Same client boots into Win10 PE over PXE just fine.  

Using LinPE as example in the screenshot below (185027 "Creating automation folder preboot configuration for Linux"):

 And the directory exists on the Site Server:
Client PXE Image Task: Creating PXE images in 'C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\Deployment\SBS\Images\TestLinPE'



DS 8.5 RU4 and earlier.

GSS 3.3 RU5 and earlier.


Exactly the same error appears when booting (U)EFI client to Linux PXE.

There is no (U)EFI support for Linux at the moment.

DS uses Ghost, hence the same.


This is currently set as a feature request under Product Management review. It is currently considered to be added to the product sometime post-ITMS 8.6 release.