NetOps Portal Reports fail showing an Invalid RIB query syntax error.
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NetOps Portal Reports fail showing an Invalid RIB query syntax error.


Article ID: 201342


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Reports are failing and listing an error in the UI like:

Invalid RIB query syntax. See logs for details. (Query ID: ff842756-0036-4e9b-8bbd-5993842650ab)

Looking within the logs as the error mentions, specifically the (default path shown) /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/PC/logs/PCService.log, you will find another error like:

ERROR | Model-Invoker-33         | 2020-10-12 11:38:12,877 |
      | RIB query failed
          Model ID/Type: {1000254/RIBMultiChartModel}
          Result status: {ERROR_INVALID_QUERY_SYNTAX}
          Query ID: {ff842756-0036-4e9b-8bbd-5993842650ab}
          RIB source URL: {http://localhost:8481/dm/rib}
          Query: {SELECT .PollItem.ID, .PollItem.DevName, .PollItem.DeviceID, .Item.Name, .AssignedPoolConnections.Avg FROM CA.IM.DA.MF.NormalizedVirtualConnectionSSLInfo.NRM_SSL_VIRTUAL_CONNECTION WHERE (.Group.GroupID = 493516) AND .EndTime(300) > 1602513480 AND .EndTime(300) <= 1602517080 GROUPBY .PollItem.ID, .PollItem.DevName, .PollItem.DeviceID, .Item.Name ORDERBY .AssignedPoolConnections.Avg DESC LIMIT 384}
          Reason: {RIB Query is invalid!
  Query: {SELECT .PollItem.ID, .PollItem.DevName, .PollItem.DeviceID, .Item.Name, .AssignedPoolConnections.Avg FROM CA.IM.DA.MF.NormalizedVirtualConnectionSSLInfo.NRM_SSL_VIRTUAL_CONNECTION WHERE (.Group.GroupID = 493516) AND .EndTime(300) > 1602513480 AND .EndTime(300) <= 1602517080 GROUPBY .PollItem.ID, .PollItem.DevName, .PollItem.DeviceID, .Item.Name ORDERBY .AssignedPoolConnections.Avg DESC LIMIT 384}
In the SELECT section of query, the following fields could not be found as part of the RIB table "CA.IM.DA.MF.NormalizedVirtualConnectionSSLInfo.NRM_SSL_VIRTUAL_CONNECTION":


All supported Performance Management releases


Portal cache is out of date or stale.


To resolve this issue regenerate the PC Portal ribcache. To do so take these steps:

  1. Stop the four PC Portal services on the Portal server:
    1. Stop caperfcenter_console
    2. Stop caperfcenter_devicemanager
    3. Stop caperfcenter_eventmanager
    4. Stop caperfcenter_sso
  2. Either rename or remove /tmp/ribcache
  3. Start the four PC Portal services on the Portal server:
    1. Start caperfcenter_sso
    2. Start caperfcenter_eventmanager
    3. Start caperfcenter_devicemanager
    4. Start caperfcenter_console

The ribcache is rebuilt when the services are restarted.

Additional Information

Did this take place just after an upgrade?