This document describes how to change the Control File from DASDONLY using Data Sets to using Coupling Facility List Structures (XES) without cycling MIM.
If all systems in a MIMplex are in the same geographic location and DASDONLY is in use, using list structures has some advantages over DASD Data Sets or switching to XCF when running MII:
Note: MIA and MIC do not have the same performance requirements as MII - it is sufficient for them to use a DASD control file.
Release : 12.5
Component : MIM
The following sections of the MIM documentation may be helpful to read in advance:
1. The Programming Guide provides a wealth of information for this in varying locations.
Here is basic information for setting up an XES control file for a new MIMplex
Coupling Facility Structure Control Files (XES)
2. Good background information is a comparison of DASD and List Structure here. You can leave COMMUNICATION=DASDONLY.
Comparison of DASD Control Files and Coupling Facility Structure Control Files
3. This section shows more detail about the differences between the physical control files
4. XES Control File placement is described here - it has some good additional displays and information.
How You Allocate Control and Checkpoint Files
Following is the procedure to switch from DASD to list structures without shutting down.
NOTE: The XESFILEID needs to be sequentially numbered higher than any existing DASD DDNAMEs.
Example: If the MIIINIT shows
The XESFILEID's would need to be 02 and 03.