Configuring the server and port URL for Data Export
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Configuring the server and port URL for Data Export


Article ID: 201193


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ASSET PORTFOLIO MGMT- SERVER CA IT Asset Manager CA IT Asset Manager Asset Portfolio Management


CA IT Asset Manager installation is leveraging the Data Export functionality and the URL in the received email for the Data Export is inaccessible by the end users.

For example, end users need to use a web site alias or apply a FQDN instead of just the ITAM Server name. Port number also needs to be updated as well.

This article discusses how to manage the necessary changes to allow this.


IT Asset Manager 17.x and higher


The following changes require DBA access to the backend database server.  A backup of the MDB database should be taken before any changes are made.  Please test the changes on a non-prod environment before attempting in production.

  1. Access the backend MDB Server using a SQL tool (SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server or SQL Plus for Oracle)

  2. Run the following database queries:
    update al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = 'ITAM-WEBSERVER1.DOMAIN.COM' where configkey = 'LoadBalancerName' and componentkey = 'Web_Server'

    update al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = '100' where configkey = 'ServerPort' and componentkey = 'Web_Server'

    update mdbadmin.al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = 'HTTP' where configkey = 'Protocol' and componentkey = 'Web_Server'
    The above changes will modify the host name and port number of the Web Server that the Data Exporter is using to define the URL to provide to a given end user running an export. 

    Note:  Please be sure to confirm the correct values of the above with the network or web admins based on site requirements.

  3. Commit the above DB Changes.

  4. Recycle IIS on both the ITAM App Server and ITAM Web Server (run "iisreset" from an Adminstrator Command Prompt)

  5. Recycle the "CA Asset Portfolio Management - Export Service" on the ITAM App Server
  6. Test the export.

The Data Export mail should present with a new URL based on the changes made above:

Additional Information

This will only affect new exports generated after the above change is applied.  Previous mails generated prior to the above change will retain their old server/port values.

It is the customer's responsibility to determine the correct web server host name and port that should be used for their environment.  The above values are provided as an illustrative example only.

One can view all ITAM Web Server configuration settings by running the following query against the MDB database:

SELECT * FROM al_cdb_configurationparameters where componentkey = 'Web_Server'