PSA has not received response back from eAdmin trust Server
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PSA has not received response back from eAdmin trust Server


Article ID: 201156


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Suite


The CA Identity Manager Password Sync Agent (PSA) is logging the error message below:

20200903.00:25:58. TID=1998. ! Information: Password Sync. Agent gave up waiting for a reply from eTrust Admin Server for '<server_name>'.
            Reported from: .\pswdntfy.cpp:414.
            Reason: Timeout expired during 'modify' request. eTrust Admin Server is likely too busy to respond.


Release : 14.x

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


The Message reported by the PSA (Password Sync Agent) is an INFORMATION message and not an error.   It means the eTAdmin server was not been able to process a change request in the time defined in the configuration file ('eta_pwdsync.conf').

If this is a one-off issue, you may not need to do anything, but if these issues persist you can increase the 'Timeout' in the configuration file as follows:

[Timeout] password_update_timeout=5

This value may need to be fine-tuned according to eTAdmin server performance.


If your AD domain contains several Domain Controllers we would recommend that you add the following part for all installed PSAs.

[Server] machine_account=no

This stops the PSA from managing account password synchronization between DC's themselves.