LDAP startup and ldapsearch take a long time to complete.
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LDAP startup and ldapsearch take a long time to complete.


Article ID: 20114


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LDAP starts up via the slapd binary and the LDAP stderr file can show a delay of around 12 minutes. This can occur when setup of the slapd.conf file has left the hostname empty in the hosturls parameter. For example... hosturls ldap://:389. In this instance the host name would default to localhost. When running an ldapsearch request and not specifying a host in this situation can cause a 4 to 5 minute delay. Both thesedelays are caused by localhost not being resolved to an IP address.


The following things can be done to resolve this.

  1. Modify the /etc/hosts file on the IBM Unix file system to add an entry: xxx.x.xx.x localhost

  2. If this is still slow on LDAP startup, change the slapd.conf file to include the hostname.

    i.e. instead of hosturls ldap://:389, it should be hosturls ldap://hostname:389.

  3. If this is still slow on an LDAPSEARCH, make sure either the -h or -H option is specified, otherwise localhost is used.


Component: LDAPDV

