We are trying to find the average response time for all CICS regions transactions on a monthly basis. Can you please help us out on finding the RespTime in SYSVIEW panel (I dont see a column as RespTime).
Release : 16.0
Component : SYSVIEW
To find the Average Response time of CICS transactions, the recommendation is to use the CTRANLOG command. Scroll to the right to see the Resptime field on the screen.
NOTE: If statistics are missing when invoking the CTRANLOG screen, enter command CCONFIG and set YES next to log-transactions.
This screen provides further ways to use the data:
TOTL008I 'Resptime' total 11.18854 average 0.279714 count 40
More detail on CTRANLOG can be found in the SYSVIEW manuals as well as in the Knowledge Database.