Looking at some great instruction videos of SYSVIEW and found some new commands.
When in the CREVIEW panel, these commands can be run: TLOG, TSUM or TXLOG ...
But running TLOG, getting the error message:
GSVX156E Invalid line command TLOG
Why are these commands not working?
SYSVIEW 15.0 & 16.0 - z/OS supported releases -
The GSVXLCMD parmlib member is missing in the SYSVIEW CNM4BPRM library.
Here is the explanation of the error message:
GSVX156E Invalid line command TLOG. Use ? for line command assistance
The line commands are defined in the GSVXLCMD parmlib member of the CNM4BPRM library.
So the solution is to check if the GSVXLCMD PARMLIB member is not mising in the CNM4BPRM library.