EWS1125E Endevor maintenance level is not supported
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EWS1125E Endevor maintenance level is not supported


Article ID: 200977


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Endevor Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin


Endevor Web Service STC got the following error after applied the maintenance: 

13:36:38.509 <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  (c.c.e.e.utils.CFGChanges) Configuration ENDTEST.cfg added.
 13:36:39.574 <pool-3-thread-1> ERROR (com.ca.endevor.eapi.STC) ÝCore Error¨ EWS1125E Endevor maintenance level is not supported, ple
 ase update Endevor backend
 13:36:39.574 <pool-3-thread-1> ERROR (com.ca.endevor.eapi.STC) ÝHealthCheck Native Error¨ EWS1125E Endevor maintenance level is not
 supported, please update Endevor backend


Release : 18.0

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


Web Services and Mainframe Endevor has been updated to v18.0.12. 

However, Web Services spawn task JCL WSEWSSTC steplib still pointing to old Endevor load library (v18.0.11). 

EWS1125E means web services and backend Endevor versions are not in sync. 

Solution: Make sure Web Services level is in sync with Mainframe Endevor. 

  • Run ENWSIns.sh to reinstall Web Services after apply web services maintenance
  • Double check with the spawn task JCL steplib
  • Use protocol://host:port/EndevorService on the browser to find out Web Services API level