Looking for a sample of TPX Batch to add over 100 Sessions and Applications with start up ACL to a new profile in TPX
Adding Applid, Session Description, Session Name and start up ACL.
Release : 5.4
Component : CA-TPX for OS/390
JCL example below:
//BATCHADM EXEC TPXPROC,VNODE='*BATCH*' <<<< Change TPXPROC to your TPX proc name >>>>>>>
ADD PROFILE(XXXXXXX) <<<<< Add the new profile - where XXXXXXX is the name of the profile >>>>>
ADD PROFILESESSION (OMEGCLAS XXXXXXX) <<<<< Add the session to the profile - where XXXXXXX is the session name >>>>>.
UPDATE PROFILESESSION (OMEGCLAS XXXXXXX <<<<< Update the session - where XXXXXXX is the sessions name >>>>>>
(PENTAPPL(XXXXXXX) <<<<< Applid name - where XXXXXX is the name of the application >>>>>>
PENTSCRP(STARTACL) <<<<< ACL name - where STARTACL is the name of the start up ACL >>>>>>
WSESLABL('Label / Description'))) <<<<< Label(Description) of the application >>>>>>
Repeat and edit all statements from the ADD PROFILESESSION statement through and including WSESLABL for the number of sessions being added.