Web Agent Option Pack (WAOP) download, installation and support matrix links
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Web Agent Option Pack (WAOP) download, installation and support matrix links


Article ID: 200880


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When implementing a Web Agent Option Pack, one might like to find the download binaries for RedHat 7, the latest installer of the Web Agent Option Pack compatible with Policy Server 12.8SP5.




Web Agent Option Pack 12.52SP1CR11 on RedHat 7



At first glance, Policy Server 12.8 is compatible with Web Agent Option Pack within a specific frame (1).

On date of 2021 June the 30th, on RedHat 7, Web Agent Option Pack is supported within a specific frame too (2).

To download the binary on SSO WEBAGENT OPTION PACK R12.52 SP01 CR11 [#2820] page (3).

To install and verify the prerequisites read the overview of the documentation (4) which link includes the specific requirements (5).

From the requirement list, as the Application Server and Web Agent Option Pack are 64 bits, replace "i686" with "x86_64" for the package name.

Note that on RHEL 7 64 bit OS only JBOSS 6.4 is certified and not 7.x at the moment. 


Additional Information

  1. 4.1 Policy Server and Agents Compatibility
  2. Symantec SiteMinder 12.52 Product Support Matrix
  3. SSO WEBAGENT OPTION PACK R12.52 SP01 CR11 [#2820]
  4. Web Agent Option Pack
  5. Web Agent Option Pack Installation Requirements