How to configure SOI to use a new EEM install.
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How to configure SOI to use a new EEM install.


Article ID: 20086


Updated On:


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


SOI and EEM are installed on the same server.

A newer version of EEM has been installed on another server.

How do we point / configure SOI to use the new EEM install?


Release: Service Operations Insight 4.2


During the install of SOI the local EEM server was set as the external directory.


Original(Current) EEM Server:



Logon to the EEM UI.

Choose the Application you want to export (not Global) 

Login as the "EiamAdmin" user

Click on the Configure folder tab

Click on the EEM Server link

Click on the Export Application link

Click on the Export button

A File downloads, please save this file.

Logout from EEM

Unzip above saved file, it will have .xml file.

On New EEM Server:



Copy the above .xml to new EEM server

Open SSA-<current>.xml file and modify any entries SSA-<current> to new desired application name like SSA-<new_hostname> or leave them as it is.


Open command prompt


CD to \\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\iTechnology

Run below command...


safex -h <New EEM Host> -u EiamAdmin -P <password> -f "<above xml file path>"


Note: If above command successfully excuted, then you will be able to see the Application Instance created under new EEM.


Update 'SamUI\conf\jaas.config' with new EEM server host.

Update \SOI_HOME\tomcat\registry\topology\physical\node0\sor\ with new EEM Host.

Run "registryloader" from \tomcat\registry.

Restart both SOI Manager and UI services.

Additional Information

Note: If there is a password change, follow the steps in SOI Implementation guide, page 131.