Clarity: Resource created through XOG is missing access right to edit the Favorites Menu
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Clarity: Resource created through XOG is missing access right to edit the Favorites Menu


Article ID: 20078


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise



When a resource is created through a XOG write action, and then the Security User profile is created, the user is not granted the 'User Favorites Menu - Edit' access right.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to Resource Management > Resources and create a new labor resource. Name it userA
    • Last Name, First Name, Resource ID and Email Address: userA
  2. Navigate to Administration > Resources and filter resources by Last Name=userA and Status=All
  3. Select userA and navigate to Resources' Access Rights > Instance. The following rights are granted to this resource:
    • Resource - Enter Time
    • Resource - Self (Auto)
  4. Return to the resource list and activate userA
  5. Select userA again and navigate to Resources' Access Rights > Instance. 'Users Favorites Menu - Edit' access right was automatically granted.
  6. Using the Clarity XML Open Gateway (XOG) client application, perform a XOG write action to create userC (resource) using the following write request:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_resource.xsd">  <Header action="write" externalSource="NIKU" objectType="resource" version=""/>  <Resources>    <Resource employmentType="EMPLOYEE" externalId=" " includeInDatamart="true" isActive="true" isExternal="false" managerUserName="admin"      resourceId="userC" resourceType="LABOR" username="userC">      <PersonalInformation displayName="userC, userC" emailAddress="userC" firstName="userC" lastName="userC"/>      <ManagementInformation availability="8" openForTimeEntry="false" trackMode="None" userFlag1="false" userFlag2="false" userNumber1="0" userNumber2="0"/>      <CustomInformation>        <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue>      </CustomInformation>      <OBSAssocs complete="false"/>      <SkillAssocs/>      <Calendar baseCalendar="Standard" resetCalendar="false"/>    </Resource>  </Resources> </NikuDataBus> 
  7. Navigate to Administration > Resources and filter resources by Last Name=userC and Status=All (Note: Resource is locked)
  8. XOG in userC (user) using the following write request (Note: userStatus=ACTIVE)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_user.xsd">  <Header action="write" externalSource="NIKU" objectType="user" version=""/>  <Users>    <User externalId=" " isLDAP="false" uiThemeDefaultPartitionCode=" " userLanguage="English" userLocale="en_US" userName="userC" userStatus="ACTIVE"      userTimezone="Europe/London" userType="INTERNAL">      <PersonalInformation emailAddress="userC" firstName="userC" lastName="userC"/>      <Resource resourceId="userC"/>      <BusinessObjects/>      <Company/>      <OBSAssocs complete="false"/>      <Groups/>      <GlobalRights/>      <InstanceRights/>      <InstanceOBSRights/>    </User>  </Users> </NikuDataBus>
  9. Select userC and navigate to Resources' Access Rights > Instance.


Expected Result: The user created through XOG is granted with 'Users Favorites Menu - Edit' instance right as the user created through the UI.
Actual Result: The 'Users Favorites Menu - Edit' instance access right is not granted to the user created through XOG.



Release: ESPCLA99000-13.1-Clarity-Extended Support Plus



Lock/Activate the user created through XOG. 'Users Favorite Menu-Edit' Instance right as will be granted automatically.

This issue is documented as CLRT-66180 has been fixed in PPM 13.2