We are reviewing NCM Failed configs and the list shown has many thousands of Wireless APs which do not support NCM. How to get a more accurate list of Failed NCM captures on only devices which is supported by NCM?
DX NetOps Spectrum 20.2 or later
The Out Of Box Global Task will hit all devices in the environment.
The OutOfBox Global Sync Task will run against all models and will provide list of Failed Devices for those that do not support NCM.
In order to run a task on a select group of models and ignore those which do not support NCM, NCM must be disabled on the devices, and an attribute on Global Sync Task adjusted.
#1. Check attributes tab on a device showing in Global Sync Task list and check if NCM is disabled:
#2. When running the Global Sync Task, if NCM is disabled on a device, it should show in the Failed list:
#.3. To skip these devices, set the Attribute on Global Sync Task "include_NCM_disabled_devices" to "no" - (default value = yes )
#4. The next time the Global Sync Task is run, it will skip NCM disabled devices
An alternate workaround to this issue, is to create a Global Collection which contains all NCM devices, and set a new Sync Task to run against the GC.
In any LIST view, select a model that supports NCM and choose Task > Sync Task. You can set allow/disallow here but mostly to save the task. You define models next.
After the task is created, go to Configuration MGR > Tasks > list, and select the new task
Scroll down the Information tab to Global Collection table and here, you can add specific Global Collections for this task to run against. These will be the only devices which get reported on this tasks failed/success list.