When running installDA.bin script for DA, got error: unable to execute test to verify db connection;cause:[Vertica][VJDBC](100176)
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When running installDA.bin script for DA, got error: unable to execute test to verify db connection;cause:[Vertica][VJDBC](100176)


Article ID: 20066


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Performance



When user runs installDA.bin script for Data Aggregator, got this error for Pre-requisite Checking. The error message is:

Error code: 1
Description: unable to execute test to verify db connection;cause:
[Vertica][VJDBC](100176) Failed to connect to host <hostName> on port 5433.
Reason: No route to host


Component: IMAGGR



  1. Make sure the the hostname and ip address for Data Repository is correct.

  2. Turn off the firewall on both Data Aggregator and Data Repository via running these linux command:

    service iptables save
    service iptables stop
    chkconfig iptables off

    To verify the firewall on linux been turned off, run this command:
    service iptables status

    1. If the firewall been stopped, it will shown like this:
      [root@DA ~]# service iptables status
      Firewall is stopped.

    2. If the firewall still running, it will shown like this:
      [root@DA ~]# service iptables status
      Table: filter
      Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
      num    target    prot opt source        destination

      Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
      num    target    prot opt source        destination

      Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
      num    target    prot opt source        destination
  3. Rerun the Data Aggregator installation script installDA.bin to continue the installation.