Auto-start condition (Subobject - Previous Attribute Value) not available
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Auto-start condition (Subobject - Previous Attribute Value) not available


Article ID: 200642


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


I can not select the Previous Attribute Value in the right side of the condition when building a condition for a Subobject.


1. Administration > Processes
2. Create a new process
3. Primary Object: Project
4. Auto-Start condition: Update
5. Set Condition: Select Object = Team (Subobject )
6. Object = Team (Sub object )
7. Select Attribute Value, ie. Booking Status
8. For Operator select !=
9. In the right part of the condition select Object and select Team (Sub object )
10. Select Previous Attribute Value
11. Observe list.

Expected Results:
Previous Attribute Value should show Booking Status

Actual Results
Previous Attribute Value shows [--Select--]


Any Clarity PPM release


This is working as design.

This was analyzed by Engineering through CLRT-73438

Start Condition can use the 'previous attribute' functionality only on the object that is set as primary object. 
Field comparisons can be done on the subobject but not for previous values of the attribute. Previous and current field value comparisons are reserved for the master object only.