How do I create the PTI.RAOS_CTV_2000 table for CTV
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How do I create the PTI.RAOS_CTV_2000 table for CTV


Article ID: 200636


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Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


How do I create the PTI.RAOS_CTV_2000 table that is needed to exploit the new Capture Threshold Values CTV function in Database Analyzer?


Release : 20.0

Component : CA Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


This new function is introduced on r20 with PTFs SO14174 and SO14175. The Holddata for SO14175 details the steps you need to perform to create these new objects.

1. Compare DB2 Objects
2. Create Required DB2 Objects
3. Bind Product Packages and Plans

These are the 3 post installation tasks that need to be regenerated and executed.

Please refer to the Holddata via SMP/e for the full details.

Once the table has been created and the binds completed then the steps in the documentation should be followed to customize PDA for CTV.

Additional Information

Further details can be found in the documentation Capture Threshold Values CTV of objects selected by RTOS