Do Duplicates Exist In The DWH_FIN_TRANSACTION_LN Table?
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Do Duplicates Exist In The DWH_FIN_TRANSACTION_LN Table?


Article ID: 200617


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When querying the DWH schema, the following table has duplicated transaction_key in the DWH_FIN_TRANSACTION_LN 
table. Is this an issue?


Go to Administration > General Settings > System Options > Data Warehouse Options > Languages

The DWH can accept multiple language for translations.

It is normal for the table column DWH_FIN_TRANSACTION_LN.transaction_key to appear many times as for each iteration, it would represent the language.
For example, the additional of another language, e.g. French is normal and a record specifying the language needs to exist.
English - 'en'
French - 'fr'

This is further confirmed as the Load DWH job populates the table and completes.