Issue with Update of Virtual service using V3 API
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Issue with Update of Virtual service using V3 API


Article ID: 200606


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CA Cloud Test Mobile CA Application Test


Working on a use case to insert new RR pairs (new transactions) to the existing virtual service image using V3 api (/lisa-virtualize-invoke/api/v3/vses/) which was originally created using DevTest workstation getting the below error:

 msg:: {"error":"Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed?"}
 createVseEndpoint call failed !!! HTTP status code: HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error

Steps followed.
1. Created a simple http stub using json R-R pair in DevTest workstation
2. Deployed it directly from DevTest workstation. It is working successfully.
3. Add new RR pairs (new transactions) to the same virtual service using V3 api. It is throwing the reported error.



Release : 10.5

Component : CA Service Virtualization


Changing of the VS name when deploying VS could be the cause of the issue.


Support recommend the below to resolve the issue.
. When create a VS make sure VSM is created or placed in the Project/VirtualServices folder, VSI is in Project/VirtualServices/Images folder and VTS file is in Project/Data folder.
. Make sure VSM/VSI/VTS file names are same. For example, Test.vsm/Test.vsi/Test.vts.
. When deployed the VS, don't change the name. For example, leave the VS name as Test for Test.vsm.

Additional Information

Discussed this issue in broadcom community at

Service Virtualization API v3: