Message ACF79482 on z/OS 1.13 system, and ACF79483 on z/OS 2.1 system appear for any REFRESH for any any GSO records. They also appear at midnight. Why?
ACF70482 BPX.DEFAULT.USER values defined - They become obsolete at z/OS 2.1 and above
ACF79483 BPX.DEFAULT.USER values defined - They are ignored at z/OS 2.1 and above
Messages ACF79482 and ACF79483 are introduced to ACF2 r15.0 by apar RO62039. The messages are provided to aid in readiness for the implementation of z/OS 2.1 which removes the use of the default OMVS user ( BPX.DEFAULT.USER )
The IBM BPX.DEFAULT.USER feature provides a method of assigning (and sharing) default user identifiers (UIDs) or group identifiers (GIDs) among UNIX System Services users or groups when needed. In z/OS 2.1 and above, the feature is not supported. As of z/OS 2.1, the defaults that are defined in the UNIXOPTS record are obsolete. Users who had been using the default can no longer access Unix System Services.
This message appears in the following situations:
Ensure that all UNIX System Services users are assigned a UID. Ensure that all users have a GROUP field on the logonid record and that the GROUP has a GID defined. The AUTOIDOM record can be used to automatically assign UID and GIDs, and the UNIXOPTS record is used to ensure that new OMVS profile records are automatically generated with UIDs and GIDs.
Note: For more information about configuring the AUTOIDOM and UNIXOPTS records, see the CA ACF2 Administration Guide.
If all users have been assigned a UID and GROUP value and the GROUP is assigned a GID, remove the DFTUSER and DFTGROUP fields from the UNIXOPTS record to eliminate this message.