Can ESP directly call a PL/SQL procedure?
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Can ESP directly call a PL/SQL procedure?


Article ID: 200557


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ESP Workload Automation


We are planning to create some PL/SQL procedures to be executed directly on the database. 

Is there a functionality within ESP to directly call a PL/SQL procedure and execute it in the specific database? Or do we need to use a wrapper shell script (that would call PL/SQL internally) for the ESP Job Definition?

Can we use the Database plug-in for this?


Release : 11.4 & 12.0
Component: ESP WORKLOAD AUTOMATION, Workload Automation System Agent, Workload Automation Database Agent


ESP can't call PL/SQL procedure directly. One workaround is to use the wrapped shell script or database agent.

The database agent plugin supports SQL job type, and the PL/SQL can be specified in the SQL job type. SQL job type will support any statement that DB understands.