List of deleted accounts in an endpoint associated with global users
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List of deleted accounts in an endpoint associated with global users


Article ID: 200537


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


The following error has occurred in sa log (saYYYYMMDD.log).


====================== 35: 48.359 ERROR IM Provisioning Server-: ETA_E_0008 <MAC>, User Account'<test user>' on'<test endpoint>' modification failed: Entry'<test user>' does not exist in the provisioning directory (by User'etaadmin' --TenantNotSet) [DETAIL] {ID = IM-980f32d4-0ae2a701-25cdc91f-c4874e5a-943-1-0-1}



When we checked the situation, we can see the account “<test user>” in the endpoint “<test endpoint>” associated with the global user “<test user>” in the List Accounts of Provisioning Manager.

However, we found that the account “<test user>” does not actually exist in the endpoint “<test endpoint>”.


Is it possible to create a list of deleted accounts in an endpoint associated with global users?


Release : 12.6, 14.x

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


Identity Manager gains its understanding of an endpoint through explore and correlates (E&C). Without performing an explore, Identity Manager has no knowledge of the current status of an endpoint system.

Therefore, Identity Manager does not always have the latest account information of each endpoints, it is not possible to create that list.