C1I0020E -ENDICNFG not Compatible error with Endevor
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C1I0020E -ENDICNFG not Compatible error with Endevor


Article ID: 200491


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


 C1I0020E THE ENDICNFG TABLE WAS NOT FOUND OR IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE CURRENT ENDEVOR                                                                        
        PLEASE CONTACT YOUR ENDEVOR ADMINISTRATOR TO REASSEMBLE THE ENDICNFG TABLE                                                                            
 BC1PINIT FAILURE, RC=0104.                                                     
 BC1PSM10: F000 ABEND CODE=INIT NUMBER=0001                                     
 BC1PSM10: F000 ABEND CODE=INIT NUMBER=0001                                     
 CA Endevor SCM Version: 18.1 Release: B1801C Increment: 18.1.00                
 LOADED MODULES SUMMARY: LOAD SVCS:0000024 DELETE SVCS:0000004                  
   MODULE SERVICE REQUESTS: LOAD:0000026 DELETE:0000004 IDENTIFY:0000000        
   PRESENT: RMODE HI:0000011 RMODE LO:0000009 HLL PGMS:0000000 IDENTIFY:0000000 
   OVERALL: RMODE HI:0000011 RMODE LO:0000013 HLL PGMS:0000000 IDENTIFY:0000000 
 CALL FROM $FUNC=$BABEND  EPA=0008CC58 R1=00096B28 R14=8008CF1E STACK=00096AD0  


Release : 18.0 18.1

Component : Endevor Software Change Manager


The Endevor CSIQAUTH and CSIQAUTU libraries were included in the ISPLLIB definition of the Endevor test CLIST.

Starting with Endevor V18.0 the ISPLLIB can not be used. 

See the following Warning in The ISPF LIBDEF Services Method in the Endevor TechDocs:


The Endevor APF-authorized libraries must be placed in one of the LPA, LINKLIST, or STEPLIB libraries, ISPLLIB cannot be used for this purpose.


How to configure the installation environment



Endevor V18.0 and higher does not support the use of ISPLLIB.

The CSIQAUTH and CSIQAUTU libraries must be placed in one of the following:    LPA, LINKLIST, or STEPLIB libraries.

If the current production version of Endevor is in the LINKLIST, will need to create a new TSO logon proc for testing the new version of Endevor that STEPLIBs to the CSIQAUTH and CSIQAUTU libraries.