Bulk Edit - Asset Purchase or Lease change
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Bulk Edit - Asset Purchase or Lease change


Article ID: 200465


Updated On:


Client Management Suite Asset Management Solution


Unable to bulk edit the "Purchase or Lease" information for a few hundred machines.


Release: 8.5.x


First of all, all the needed machines must be managed and have a registry/entry in the ITMS. That is because we will use the machine's Name and GUID to effectuate the change.
  1. Create a filter/report that will provide you the machine's name and GUID for the machines that you want to change the  "Purchase or Lease" information.
    1. Export that information (Name/GUID) to a .csv file
    2. Place the file inside the NS - on a folder/path created by you, and of your choice.
    3. Open the file using any text editor (Ex.: Notepad)
    4. Check if the file is following the below example/pattern
  2. Open the NS Console and go to:
    1. Settings > All Settings > Notification Server > Connector > Data Source
      1. Right-click on the above folder and select New > CSV File Data Source
      2. Give a name to the newly created Data Source
      3. Configure the new Data Source as the following image:
      4. The field "Import from file" might be different on your system.
      5. Save all the changes.
    2. Settings > All Settings > Notification Server > Connector > Import/Export Rules
      1. Right-click on the above folder and select New > Resource Import Export Rule
      2. Give a name to the newly created Resource Import Export Rule
      3. Configure the new Resource Import Export Rule as the following image:
        1. The "Data Source" to be used is the one that you created above
      4. Save all the changes made and click on "Test Rule"
        1. Check the outcome and if the result is what you were looking for.
      5. W e recommend running it for a small number of machines and checking if that worked as expected and didn't cause any issue (it is recommended to have a database backup in case you need to revert the changes) .