Required SQL OLE driver for agent based SQL data collection and TLS 1.2 in Control Compliance Suite 12.6.x
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Required SQL OLE driver for agent based SQL data collection and TLS 1.2 in Control Compliance Suite 12.6.x


Article ID: 200461


Updated On:


Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite


Control Compliance Suite (CCS)

To be able to perform an agent based data collection for SQL servers in a TLS 1.2 environment, the following MS OLE driver is required to be installed manually on each CCS 12.6.x agent:

  • Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18 for SQL Server


Release : CCS 12.5.x and CCS 12.6.x

Component: SQL database collection in an TLS 1.2 environment.


The following driver from Microsoft needs to be installed manually on each agent that is going to be performing SQL data collection.

  • Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18 for SQL Server

Download location for MS OLE DB Driver 18.5 (updated on March 4, 2021)