How to display CA Easytrieve/Online version in CICS?
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How to display CA Easytrieve/Online version in CICS?


Article ID: 200449


Updated On:


PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL Easytrieve Report Generator for Common Services


How to display CA Easytrieve/Online version in CICS? 


Release : 1.4

Component : CA Easytrieve Online Runtime Report Generator


In order to work with CA Easytrieve/Online in CICS, you need to call CA Easytrieve/ESP.
In CICS call CA EZ/ESP as follows:
esp userID
with a valid user ID.
Then you should see a screen where you should be able to type "z" in order to call CA Easytrieve/Online.

Then you should see the "Edit Entry" panel and "CA-Easytrieve/Online Version 01.4 9811":

This is the only Easytrieve/Online version we support at this time.

Another option is to browse your EZTSYS file and do "f &EZTVERSION".