The client experienced slow performance from CA View, in its collecting sysout from the JES spool, though there were plenty of system resources available.
Release : 14.0
Component : CA View
View can sometimes run slower on collecting reports, due to the following:
. When the View SARSTC task is running a backup, the resource allocation is backup 80% / report collection 20% at that time.
. If SARSTC is the only means used to collect reports, there can be additional collection threads used in the SARFSS collectors.
. If a lot of activity is occurring in the direct-writing function of CA Deliver, which could be having control of the database.
. If there are other files on the same packs where there are View database extents, it is possible for those files to be somehow controlling use of the pack.
. It is a peak time for processing (month-end, year-end, etc.), where the number of reports to be processed is more than usual.
. There may have been changes made recently to the View environment.
. There may have been changes made recently to the general environment (OS, etc.).
In this particular instance, the client had a task that received JCL errors and was being submitted continuously via an automation process.
There was in excess of 20,000 instances of the task, that View was trying to collect sysout from.
The automation was stopped for the task, the 20,000 instances were deleted, and View collected as expected.