The Clarity Tomcat access log import/analyze job is not able to load lines from the file which contains a lot of lines with HTTP status 400.
App-access log is filled with these status 400 lines:---
###.##.##.##|[28/Jul/2020:00:00:00 +0200]|-|400|-|0|-
###.##.##.##|[28/Jul/2020:00:00:03 +0200]|-|400|-|0|-
###.##.##.##|[28/Jul/2020:00:00:05 +0200]|-|400|-|0|-
###.##.##.##|[28/Jul/2020:00:00:08 +0200]|-|400|-|0|-
###.##.##.##|[28/Jul/2020:00:00:10 +0200]|-|400|-|0|-
These lines indicate there is a problem accessing the service status via load balancer and is expected as access is restricted from Clarity
Expected result: Tomcat access log import/analyze job to be successfully able to load access log data for system analysis
Actual Result: Tomcat access log import/analyze job completes with message "imported 0 log lines for service app..." and fails to load any rows into the log tables.
Clarity 15.8, 15.8.1
This is caused by Clarity defect DE58107.
The defect DE58107 is fixed in 15.9.1 and patch
Using text editor tools to remove all lines with "+0200]|-|400|-|0|-" and to re-run the Tomcat access log import/analyze job.