EOS(End of support)/EOL details for Advanced Authentication( Strong Authentication/Webfort and Risk Authentication/RiskFort) product
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EOS(End of support)/EOL details for Advanced Authentication( Strong Authentication/Webfort and Risk Authentication/RiskFort) product


Article ID: 200302


Updated On:


CA Advanced Authentication - Strong Authentication (AuthMinder / WebFort) CA Strong Authentication CA Rapid App Security CA Risk Authentication CA Advanced Authentication


Where can I find the EOS/EOL details for Advanced Authentication ( Strong Authentication/Webfort and Risk Authentication/RiskFort) product?


Release : All releases

Component : AuthMinder(Arcot WebFort) Strong Authentication

RiskMinder(Arcot RiskFort) Risk Authentication


End of support (EOS) information for Symantec Advanced Authentication product can be found here.

For Risk Authentication -

Risk Authentication EOL/EOS details

For Strong Authentication -

Strong Authentication EOL/EOS details

Please review these articles are make plans accordingly to upgrade the version so a supported version is maintained in your organization. Please reach out to Support if you have any questions.