The database that holds AutoSys and WCC data is changing its host.
What changes are needed for AutoSys and WCC?
We think following the following files would need to be updated:
On the AutoSys server
On the WCC server
C:\Program Files\CA\Workload Control Center\data\config\application\config\resources\
Also the tnsnames.ora on both hosts
Release : 11.3
Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)
The items you should review that may need possible updates if your DB host change would be:
$AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV (see EventServer entries)
For WCC you should NOT modify the directly.
If a change is needed for wcc you should use or .bat as needed.
For examples see:
And for WCC, again any $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora and /etc/hosts entries that need to be added or modified.