When running a modeling gateway export with the -cmdb option, some model types such as GnSNMPDev and Pingable models are showing as Network Interface Cards
Release : 10.x
Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER
This is due to the default class mappings in the <SPECROOT>/SS-Tools/.cmdbresource.xml file.
To change this class mapping, you will need to edit the .cmdbresource.xml file and specifically this section:
<CMDBClass family="Network" class="Network Interface Card" />
<SPECTRUMModelClass>12</SPECTRUMModelClass> <!-- Pingable -->
<SPECTRUMModelClass>13</SPECTRUMModelClass> <!-- MAC -->
<SPECTRUMModelClass>14</SPECTRUMModelClass> <!-- SNMP -->
<SPECTRUMModelClass>37</SPECTRUMModelClass> <!-- Generic TL1 Device -->
<SPECTRUMModelClass>40</SPECTRUMModelClass> <!-- Wireless -->
You can edit this to something like the following to create new classes for model types:
<CMDBClass family="Network" class="GnSNMPDev" />
<SPECTRUMModelClass>14</SPECTRUMModelClass> <!-- SNMP -->
<CMDBClass family="Network" class="Pingable" />
<SPECTRUMModelClass>12</SPECTRUMModelClass> <!-- Pingable -->
Once that file is saved, if you re-run the export they will show as the new classes.