11.5 System Agent Silent inIstall not Working on Linux
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11.5 System Agent Silent inIstall not Working on Linux


Article ID: 200069


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - System Agent (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent Autosys Workload Automation


11.5 System Agent silent install not working on Linux but able to create a response file. It failed with below error.


:Unexpected error occurred during file generation:
   Exception: com.ca.generator.GenUtilityValidationException: SECURITY_LEVEL variable cannot be unspecified.
 at com.ca.generator.AgentData.validateWithException(AgentData.java:477)
 at com.ca.generator.AgentData.getSecurityLevel(AgentData.java:665)
 at com.ca.generator.AgentparmGenerator.genSecuritySection(AgentparmGenerator.java:154)
 at com.ca.generator.AgentparmGenerator.genAgentparm(AgentparmGenerator.java:25)
 at com.ca.generator.GenerateFiles.generateAgentparmTxt(GenerateFiles.java:181)
 at com.ca.generator.GenerateFiles.generateAll(GenerateFiles.java:145)
 at com.ca.generator.GenerateFilesDriver.main(GenerateFilesDriver.java:30)

                          Status: FATAL ERROR
                          Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR - "Post-Install: Generation of additional files failed"


Release : 11.5 System Agent

Component : CA Workload Automation System Agent


When you are using system agent installer. The system agent installer does not support the recording capabilities of InstallAnywhere. You must use the file which is located on the system agent media. This is documented in the agent doc.


You are getting this error because LOCAL_SECURITY=off.

Refer to the below lines in the above link.


The installer properties file is included with the product. You can obtain it from either the product DVD or from the product image, which is available from the CA Support website. See Download the Agent and Agent Plug-ins for more information.



Additional Information

So conclusion is to use the file which is located on the system agent media.