We are having an issue with a Web Service job. We can reach the WSDL via web browser after authentication but the job failed with SUBERROR;
Error submitting request: WSDLException: faultCode=COMMUNICATION_ERROR: Unable to retrieve document at 'https://workstation:8443/axis2/services/EspDSeriesService?wsdl': java.io.IOException: The resource retrieval request has failed: HTTP/1.1 401
Release : 12.0
Component : CA Workload Automation Agent for Web Services
The 401 code indicates the resource retrieval request failed due to authorization issue. The most common cause is invalid client authentication.
Provide the client authentication user in the Connection Information page in the Web Service Doc/Literal job definition;
- Open the job definition or reset definition in Desktop Client
- Click Connection Information in the left pane
- In Client authentication user field, select the user for the connection authentication.
Make sure the credentials of the user is defined in the Topology under the agent user.