How can you see CSA Key 8 Usage using CA-SYSVIEW?
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How can you see CSA Key 8 Usage using CA-SYSVIEW?


Article ID: 199874


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Preparing for z/OS 2.4 which defaults to no longer support CSA Key 8 usage.   It defaults the DIAGxx parmlib member to VSM ALLOWUSERKEYCSA(NO).

Discovered the COMMON command will tell us how much CSA Key 8 storage is used.
Discovered the VSMTRACK Command will tell us which address space is using CSA/ECSA and SQA/ESQA.

After seeing in VSMTRACK all the users of CSA/ECSA, we would have to select each one separately to see if they are using it as Key 8.

Is there a simpler method of getting the information on who is using CSA Key 8?
Can it be done in batch?



Release : 15.0 and later

Component : SYSVIEW


An automated method of identifying a summary of the CSA Key 8 storage usage is not available in SYSVIEW. A manual method of using SYSVIEW commands to display this CSA Key 8 storage usage is provided.

Here is the manual method to help with identifying CSA Key 8 usage:


In SYSVIEW run the following commands:

1)  SET ASID 1            (gets you started at the first ASID)

2)  VSMTRACK DETAIL     (this will provide you with a column called KEY that you can now SELECT on) 

3) SELECT KEY =  8          (this will reduce the list to only those with Key 8 usage and hopefully that will be a smaller number to scroll through and identify)

4) ASID NEXT                (this will scroll through the ASID list in order one at a time)

5) Repeat step 2 - step 4.

Note that this approach is for active ASID's. 

That is the best manual approach that we could come up with that might help some with this effort.