Importing Sample External Security Exits into Eclipse IDE with OM Web Viewer 12.1
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Importing Sample External Security Exits into Eclipse IDE with OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 199729


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


The Web Viewer 12.1 sample external security exits are in the sampleExits folder directly under the Web Viewer install folder.

It contains the web version of the Java doc.

Can this be imported into the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment IDE?


  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE)


Here is how to create a project with our sample sources:
  1. In Eclipse,
  2. Select File
  3. New
  4. Java Project
  5. A dialog appears link below.
  6. Note that "Use Default location" is unchecked and the location was selected by browsing to the directory just under the sample exits.
  7. The project is opened in Project Explorer.
  8. To build it, right click on the project
  9. Perform an Export to a jar file.